The PMO Guide to Portfolio Management Charts

In this article we present the PMO guide to project portfolio management charts and dashboards. In our data-driven age of project and portfolio management, having the right project portfolio…

Managing Project Interdependencies

Managing project dependencies (or interdependencies) is an often-missed tactical capability of project portfolio management (PPM). Yet, managing project dependencies is an important part of…

Best Practice for Work Intake (Demand Management)

Work Intake (Demand Management) Overview and WHY it is important Work Intake (also known as demand management) is perhaps the most critical component of project portfolio management because it…

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Change Project Portfolio Management

There is no question that we are in the midst of radical changes to our workplace and society due to the mainstream emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).  Experts have…

The Complete Guide to the Project Management Office (PMO’s and EPMO’s)

In this guide we will break down in detail the difference between a PMO and an EPMO. In order to do this, we will go in-depth to review what a PMO is, what it does, what the benefits are, and the…

PPM 101 – Project Portfolio Optimization

Introduction to Project Portfolio Optimization Project portfolio optimization offers the promise of generating and delivering the maximum possible business value from the company’s project…

PPM 101: Why You Need to Develop a Project Portfolio Decision Gate Framework

A project portfolio decision gate framework is a governance structure to evaluate, authorize, and monitor projects as they pass through the project lifecycle and is a critical component of project…

PPM 101: How To Create A Successful Work Intake Process

Does your organization have a “single entry” for new project requests? Or rather, does your organization have a front door, a side door, a back door, and many other ways to receive requests? Having…

PPM 101: How to Effectively Use a Priority Matrix

In this post we will cover what a priority matrix is and how to use a prioritization matrix in the context of project portfolio management. What is a Priority Matrix? A priority matrix is a tool…

PPM 101: Project Prioritization Will Improve Your Portfolio

Project Prioritization is About Maximizing Value Project prioritization (and by extension, portfolio management) is about delivering the maximum value possible through programs and projects. In…

Getting Started with Portfolio Management – The Project List

Project portfolio management is a senior leadership discipline to accomplish strategic goals and maximize business value through its project investments. It’s about doing the right work. A portfolio…

PPM 101: What Is Project Portfolio Management?

What is Project Portfolio Management (PPM)? Project portfolio management (hereafter referred to as “PPM”) is a critical component for executives and senior managers to execute strategy. According to…

PPM 101 – The Official Guide to Portfolio Communication

Portfolio communication is the real heartbeat of project portfolio management. Strong communication keeps the organization aligned on what is most important. This thought is exemplified by Patrick…

PPM 101: Portfolio Planning Drives Strategic Execution

Strategic planning and project planning are common topics, but very few companies do an adequate job of portfolio planning. Project portfolio management is about strategic execution with the goal of…

PPM 101 – Portfolio Risk Management

Portfolio risk management enables organizations to protect portfolio investments and balance the level of risk in the portfolio. Organizations focused on improving their portfolio management…

Best Practices for Resource Capacity Planning

Introduction to Capacity Planning Resource capacity planning is one of the most commonly cited functions of project portfolio management. Senior leadership rightly wants to understand whether they…

PPM 101: Benefits Realization and Portfolio Value Management

Next to resource capacity planning, benefits realization is one of the hardest portfolio management processes to get right. Yet, in spite of the challenges, it gets the most buzz of any PPM process.…

What is a Project Portfolio Manager?

A common but misunderstood question related to project portfolio management is “what is a Project Portfolio Manager?” and “what does a Project Portfolio Manager do”? Most articles get this wrong…

Project Management Software versus Project Portfolio Management Software

The Difference Between Project Management Software and Project Portfolio Management Software What is the difference between project management software and project portfolio management software?…

Great Project Communication Leads to Successful Outcomes

Introduction to Project Communication Projects are hard enough to manage without issues of poor project communication getting in the way.  I’ve always maintained that project communication is job…

A Complete Buyers Guide for Portfolio Management Software (PPM Software)

We live in a digital age and utilizing a good PPM tool is a critical component of successful strategy execution. We believe that most companies only need lightweight PPM software to enable strategic…

PPM 101 – Assess Portfolio Maturity In Order To Get There

A portfolio maturity model is a tool to assess the level of sophistication in the processes, tools, and people involved in managing the project portfolio process. Portfolio maturity levels represent…

PPM 101 – Do You Have a Portfolio Roadmap to Communicate Value?

Project portfolio management (PPM) is about maximizing business value delivery and the portfolio roadmap (or strategic roadmap) helps senior leaders track the delivery of that value. Senior…

PPM 101 – Good Project Portfolio Governance Delivers Superior Results

Strong project portfolio governance is the number one success factor for making portfolio management successful. Unfortunately, most companies struggle with governance. In fact, when you hear the…

PPM 101: The Challenges of Resource Capacity Planning

Resource capacity planning is a critical function of portfolio management. Organizations commonly want to understand resource availability because every company has a limited number of people. On…

The Realities of Strategic Execution

The Challenges of Strategic Execution Strategic execution is not easy – in fact, you almost always fail: »   90% of corporate strategies are never implemented »   70% of complex initiatives fail »…

Why Is Strategy Delivery So Hard?

The Challenge Recent studies¹ indicate that strategy implementation fails a stunning 50 to 90 percent of the time. For executives who are pressed to deliver value for their organizations and…

Use Your PMO to Drive Business Results

Today's Perspective As competitive pressures increase, the imperative to invest wisely and to ensure those investments come to fruition also increase. Having a clear view into your portfolio of…

The Value Gap of Today’s PPM Software Is Worse Than You Think

PPM Software Challenges The vast majority of project portfolio management (PPM) software utilizes a traditional licensing model and is expensive relative to the value customers get from the…

An Evolutionary PMO Improvement: Software with Services

PMO Failure Rate (a lack of PPM software with services) The success rate for most project organizations (PMO’s) is not promising. According to Gartner, the majority of PMO’s fail within three years.…

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