PMO Guide to Portfolio Management Charts

The PMO Guide to Portfolio Management Charts

In this article we present the PMO guide to project portfolio management charts and dashboards. In our data-driven age of project and portfolio management, having the right project portfolio management charts, dashboards, reports, and analytics are important for successfully managing projects and…

AI Will Change PPM

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Change Project Portfolio Management

There is no question that we are in the midst of radical changes to our workplace and society due to the mainstream emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).  Experts have been predicting for several years how AI will change the way we work. With the public arrival of…

PPM 101 - Project Portfolio Optimization

Introduction to Project Portfolio Optimization Project portfolio optimization offers the promise of generating and delivering the maximum possible business value from the company’s project portfolio. By using data and advanced analysis techniques, organizations can often generate more business…

Overview of Project Portfolio Management

PPM 101: What Is Project Portfolio Management?

What is Project Portfolio Management (PPM)? Project portfolio management (hereafter referred to as “PPM”) is a critical component for executives and senior managers to execute strategy. According to Mark Morgan, “there is simply no path to executing strategy other than the one that runs through…

Best Practices for Resource Capacity Planning

Introduction to Capacity Planning Resource capacity planning is one of the most commonly cited functions of project portfolio management. Senior leadership rightly wants to understand whether they have adequate resources to take on more project work and whether their existing work will get done on…

The Challenges of Resource Capacity Planning

PPM 101: The Challenges of Resource Capacity Planning

Resource capacity planning is a critical function of portfolio management. Organizations commonly want to understand resource availability because every company has a limited number of people. On paper, capacity planning sounds simple – compare resource estimates against available time to work. In…