PMO Guide to Portfolio Management Charts

The PMO Guide to Portfolio Management Charts

In this article we present the PMO guide to project portfolio management charts and dashboards. In our data-driven age of project and portfolio management, having the right project portfolio management charts, dashboards, reports, and analytics are important for successfully managing projects and…

PPM 101: Cómo utilizar eficazmente la matriz de prioridades

In this post we will cover what a priority matrix is and how to use a prioritization matrix in the context of project portfolio management. What is a Priority Matrix? A priority matrix is a tool used to categorically prioritize types of work. It has three primary strengths: simplicity, speed, and…

Priorización de proyectos

PPM 101: La Priorización de Proyectos mejorará su Portafolio de Proyectos

Project Prioritization is About Maximizing Value Project prioritization (and by extension, portfolio management) is about delivering the maximum value possible through programs and projects. In order to maximize value delivery, governance teams that approve work need to share a common view of…

Overview of Project Portfolio Management

PPM 101: ¿Qué es la Gestión del Portafolio de Proyectos?

What is Project Portfolio Management (PPM)? Project portfolio management (hereafter referred to as “PPM”) is a critical component for executives and senior managers to execute strategy. According to Mark Morgan, “there is simply no path to executing strategy other than the one that runs through…

The Official Guide to Portfolio Communication

PPM 101 - The Official Guide to Portfolio Communication

Portfolio communication is the real heartbeat of project portfolio management. Strong communication keeps the organization aligned on what is most important. This thought is exemplified by Patrick Lencioni’s classic quote, “If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same…

Realización de beneficios

PPM 101: Realización de Beneficios y la Gestión del Valor del Portafolio de Proyectos (en inglés)

Next to resource capacity planning, benefits realization is one of the hardest portfolio management processes to get right. Yet, in spite of the challenges, it gets the most buzz of any PPM process. It is a hot topic among Portfolio Managers and PMO leaders and the Project Management Institute.…