How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Change Project Portfolio Management
There is no question that we are in the midst of radical changes to our workplace and society due to the mainstream emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). Experts have been predicting for several years how AI will change the way we work. With the public arrival of…
The Complete Guide to the Project Management Office (PMO’s and EPMO’s)
In this guide we will break down in detail the difference between a PMO and an EPMO. In order to do this, we will go in-depth to review what a PMO is, what it does, what the benefits are, and the different types of PMO’s. From there we will cover what an Enterprise PMO is and does and provide an…
Getting Started with Portfolio Management – The Project List
Project portfolio management is a senior leadership discipline to accomplish strategic goals and maximize business value through its project investments. It’s about doing the right work. A portfolio is a collection of projects and programs. Therefore, if you want to manage the portfolio, you need…
Project Management Software versus Project Portfolio Management Software
The Difference Between Project Management Software and Project Portfolio Management Software What is the difference between project management software and project portfolio management software? Project Management Offices are looking at these types of software all the time and it is critical to…
A Complete Buyers Guide for Portfolio Management Software (PPM Software)
We live in a digital age and utilizing a good PPM tool is a critical component of successful strategy execution. We believe that most companies only need lightweight PPM software to enable strategic agility. You cannot afford to be slowed down by cumbersome spreadsheets – executives need the right…
PPM 101: Los desafíos de la Planificación de la Capacidad de los Recursos
Resource capacity planning is a critical function of portfolio management. Organizations commonly want to understand resource availability because every company has a limited number of people. On paper, capacity planning sounds simple – compare resource estimates against available time to work. In…
The Value Gap of Today's PPM Software Is Worse Than You Think
PPM Software Challenges The vast majority of project portfolio management (PPM) software utilizes a traditional licensing model and is expensive relative to the value customers get from the software. There has been little innovation in the licensing model for PPM software since 2008 (when…
La Mejora Evolutiva de la PMO: Software con Servicios
PMO Failure Rate (a lack of PPM software with services) The success rate for most project organizations (PMO’s) is not promising. According to Gartner, the majority of PMO’s fail within three years. There are a number of factors that contribute to this failure rate: poorly set up PMO’s, inadequate…