What is a Project Portfolio Manager?
A common but misunderstood question related to project portfolio management is “what is a Project Portfolio Manager?” and “what does a Project Portfolio Manager do”? Most articles get this wrong because it is discussed from a theoretical point of view, not based on actual practice. As we will see,…
A Complete Buyers Guide for Portfolio Management Software (PPM Software)
We live in a digital age and utilizing a good PPM tool is a critical component of successful strategy execution. We believe that most companies only need lightweight PPM software to enable strategic agility. You cannot afford to be slowed down by cumbersome spreadsheets – executives need the right…
PPM 101 - Good Project Portfolio Governance Delivers Superior Results
Strong project portfolio governance is the number one success factor for making portfolio management successful. Unfortunately, most companies struggle with governance. In fact, when you hear the word ‘governance’, what comes to mind? Do you think of bureaucracy, lots of meetings with few or no…
Las Realidades de la Ejecución Stratégica
The Challenges of Strategic Execution Strategic execution is not easy – in fact, you almost always fail: » 90% of corporate strategies are never implemented » 70% of complex initiatives fail » 67% of projects are either challenged or impaired One of the continuing difficulties executives…
¿Por qué es tan difícil la implementación de estrategias?
The Challenge Recent studies¹ indicate that strategy implementation fails a stunning 50 to 90 percent of the time. For executives who are pressed to deliver value for their organizations and shareholders, those odds are unacceptable. Why is strategy delivery so difficult? What makes the odds of…
Utilice su PMO para impulsar los Resultados Comerciales
Today's Perspective As competitive pressures increase, the imperative to invest wisely and to ensure those investments come to fruition also increase. Having a clear view into your portfolio of business initiatives and an effective way of allocating budget and resources to each can yield…
La Mejora Evolutiva de la PMO: Software con Servicios
PMO Failure Rate (a lack of PPM software with services) The success rate for most project organizations (PMO’s) is not promising. According to Gartner, the majority of PMO’s fail within three years. There are a number of factors that contribute to this failure rate: poorly set up PMO’s, inadequate…