The Official Guide to Portfolio Communication

PPM 101 - The Official Guide to Portfolio Communication

Portfolio communication is the real heartbeat of project portfolio management. Strong communication keeps the organization aligned on what is most important. This thought is exemplified by Patrick Lencioni’s classic quote, “If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same…

Effective project communication is essential

La Comunicación Eficaz y Eficiente de un Proyecto conduce a Resultados Exitosos (en inglés)

Introduction to Project Communication Projects are hard enough to manage without issues of poor project communication getting in the way.  I’ve always maintained that project communication is job one for the project manager.  The project manager who fails to communicate effectively, efficiently…

PMO Software with Services

La Mejora Evolutiva de la PMO: Software con Servicios

PMO Failure Rate (a lack of PPM software with services) The success rate for most project organizations (PMO’s) is not promising. According to Gartner, the majority of PMO’s fail within three years. There are a number of factors that contribute to this failure rate: poorly set up PMO’s, inadequate…