PMO Guide to Portfolio Management Charts

The PMO Guide to Portfolio Management Charts

In this article we present the PMO guide to project portfolio management charts and dashboards. In our data-driven age of project and portfolio management, having the right project portfolio management charts, dashboards, reports, and analytics are important for successfully managing projects and…

Project Interdependencies

Managing Project Interdependencies

Managing project dependencies (or interdependencies) is an often-missed tactical capability of project portfolio management (PPM). Yet, managing project dependencies is an important part of portfolio planning so as to tactically coordinate project execution. Successful management of project…

Work Intake Best Practices

Best Practice for Work Intake (Demand Management)

Work Intake (Demand Management) Overview and WHY it is important Work Intake (also known as demand management) is perhaps the most critical component of project portfolio management because it determines the composition of the portfolio (in terms of quality, value, balance, and resource…

Guide to PMO's and EPMO's

The Complete Guide to the Project Management Office (PMO’s and EPMO’s)

In this guide we will break down in detail the difference between a PMO and an EPMO. In order to do this, we will go in-depth to review what a PMO is, what it does, what the benefits are, and the different types of PMO’s. From there we will cover what an Enterprise PMO is and does and provide an…

Work Intake - The Front Door For the Organization

PPM 101: Cómo crear un proceso exitoso para la Admisión de Trabajo

Does your organization have a “single entry” for new project requests? Or rather, does your organization have a front door, a side door, a back door, and many other ways to receive requests? Having multiple ways to submit requests is a common problem for many companies and highlights the need for…

The Official Guide to Portfolio Communication

PPM 101 - The Official Guide to Portfolio Communication

Portfolio communication is the real heartbeat of project portfolio management. Strong communication keeps the organization aligned on what is most important. This thought is exemplified by Patrick Lencioni’s classic quote, “If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same…

Portfolio Planning - 3 levels of planning

PPM 101: Portfolio Planning Drives Strategic Execution

Strategic planning and project planning are common topics, but very few companies do an adequate job of portfolio planning. Project portfolio management is about strategic execution with the goal of maximizing business value delivery. Successful portfolio planning synthesizes what the company or…

Best Practices for Resource Capacity Planning

Introduction to Capacity Planning Resource capacity planning is one of the most commonly cited functions of project portfolio management. Senior leadership rightly wants to understand whether they have adequate resources to take on more project work and whether their existing work will get done on…

Realización de beneficios

PPM 101: Realización de Beneficios y la Gestión del Valor del Portafolio de Proyectos (en inglés)

Next to resource capacity planning, benefits realization is one of the hardest portfolio management processes to get right. Yet, in spite of the challenges, it gets the most buzz of any PPM process. It is a hot topic among Portfolio Managers and PMO leaders and the Project Management Institute.…

Project vs Portfolio Management Software

Project Management Software versus Project Portfolio Management Software

The Difference Between Project Management Software and Project Portfolio Management Software What is the difference between project management software and project portfolio management software? Project Management Offices are looking at these types of software all the time and it is critical to…